AUTHORS : Belaidi Jean-Philippe Chollet Christel Denat Laurence Dimitrov Ariane Eilstein Joan Erdmann Dominique Jones Christophe Lereaux Guillaume Lereaux Guillaume- Marrot L Mezzache Sakina Perez Philippe Soeur Jeremie Zanini Martine Zobiri Olivia MODELS : RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : UVA / UVB Photo-pollution stress in skin: Traces of pollutants (PAH and particulate matter) impair redox homeostasis in keratinocytes exposed to UVA1 2017 Journal of Dermatological Science 86 (2017) 162–169 | L'Oreal
AUTHORS : Arbey E Duché Daniel Eilstein Joan Lereaux Guillaume Wilkinson S. MODELS : RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS RHPE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN PIGMENTED EPIDERMIS SkinEthic RHE-LC APPLICATIONS : SKIN METABOLISM Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in human skin and SkinEthic reconstructed human skin models 2015 Experimental Dermatology | L'Oréal Research & Innovation, France - Newcastle University, Newcastle upon, Tyne, UK
AUTHORS : Budimir N. Duché Daniel Eilstein Joan Hussler G. Lereaux Guillaume Wilkinson S. MODELS : RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : SKIN METABOLISM Comparison of xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme activities in ex vivo human skin and reconstructed human skin models from SkinEthic. 2014 Archives of Toxicology. 2014, March 22 | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
AUTHORS : Duché Daniel Eilstein Joan Garrigues A. Lereaux Guillaume Meunier Jean-Roch MODELS : EPISKIN RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : SKIN METABOLISM Characterization of peroxidase activities in normal human skin compared with reconstructed human skin models 2013 Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual meeting |
AUTHORS : Duché Daniel Eilstein Joan Leclaire J Lereaux Guillaume Meunier Jean-Roch APPLICATIONS : SKIN METABOLISM Cutaneous Metabolism 2011 | L'Oreal