EPISKIN International Seminar update

EPISKIN organizes its Second EPISKIN International Seminar on Alternatives Methods to Animal testing using in vitro reconstructed human 3D models on November 28-29th, 2019 in Lyon – France.

The aim of the EPISKIN Seminar is to share the state of the art information on Alternative Methods using 3D models based on the User talking to User approach.

Dedicated to long time users, new comers and outsiders it is a unique opportunity to get informed on the latest and most accurate techniques on the use of reconstructed human 3D models for in vitro testing as well as on the regulatory context and scientific perspectives.

EPISKIN produces advanced tools allowing various industry to deal with regulatory demands for alternative methods to animal testing, to respect ethical testing and research enhancing then their social footprint, to place science in the first place since limited correlation and relevance between animal and human data is more and more evidenced.

The Seminar is divided in 3 sections:

  • Regulation, Validation, Education and Outreach
  • Methods beyond Validations
  • Innovation in Methods and Models


All the topics will be covered by experts in their respective fields with sharp and accurate lectures



In the Regulation, Validation, Education and Outreach section Dr. Katy TAYLOR - Director of Science and Regulatory Affairs at Cruelty Free International (formerly the BUAV) and at Cruelty Free Europe - will cover the legislation that has played a particular role in the drive towards the use of these approaches in Europe; Directive 2010/63 covering the use of animals for all scientific purposes, which includes the requirement to use alternatives, the Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 which includes bans on animal testing and the REACH legislation 1907/2006 which both demands animal tests as well as efforts to avoid conducting them where possible. The cosmetics and chemicals industries have had to respond to these regulatory pressures to both conduct and avoid animal testing, which for economic reasons has led them towards the development of alternative approaches.

She will provide an update on the status of key in vitro methods in Europe and beyond and discuss the barriers that have had to be overcome by the industry in getting them adopted and accepted.


Ms. Katy TAYLOR states :

I am delighted to be speaking at the 2nd EPISKIN seminar. My presentation will be on “ Regulation and Alternative Methods to Animal Testing : Current status and perspectives “ . I have had the privilege to be involved as an animal welfare stakeholder at various regulatory bodies across Europe and beyond for the last 10 years. As such I have had first-hand experience of the efforts that companies like EPISKIN have made to develop and promote alternatives to animal testing. I hope to bring to the seminar my knowledge of the barriers that face alternative methods as they progress through the regulatory process and how companies can help accelerate this. I am excited to attend the whole seminar and I am especially excited to hear the developments with EPISKIN models to expand their utility beyond the skin irritation endpoint!



In the same section additional experts will cover:

  • Phototoxicity,
  • Genotoxicity,
  • Skin sensitization with the SENS-IS assay,
  • The ISO validation of skin irritation for Medical Devices using 3D models
  • The Brazilian move towards Animal Testing ban.


In the Methods beyond Validations, one of the talk will cover the benefit of Histology – which is not an endpoint as per ECVAM and OECD validations.

Histology is a high value and unique parameter allowing to visualize the whole treated tissue – and critical endpoint for EPISKIN advanced quality controls.

We are honored to welcome Ms. Béatrice Bertino – Molecular Histology Senior Expert – for this talk.


Ms. Bertino states:

“ I would like to thank EPISKIN for giving me this opportunity to speak about histology because very often, histology isn't always given the place it should have in studies. Although it is a very old technique, the development of new technologies has been very beneficial for histology. In my presentation, I will first discuss the pitfalls that need to be recognized and understand in particular when working with reconstructed tissues and I will also illustrate the “High-content” approach to histology "



This lecture will definitively open new horizons in data generation to be used for safety and efficacy testing.


In the same section additional experts will cover:

  • The EyeIRR-IS assay for sub-categorization in eye irritation,
  • An update on almost ten years’ research on eye irritation mechanisms on the SkinEthic HCE model,
  • Skin inflammation,
  • The use of SkinEthic RHE for the skin microbiome
  • The skin sensitization IL-18 assay

The Methods beyond Validations section will evidence that EPISKIN models are not only of interest for OECD / ECVAM validated protocols and can also be of high value for non-regulatory safety, advance research and efficacy testing.

In the last section - Innovation in Methods and Models – various talks will be given on Skin immunology, Advances in Skin biology research and Skin BioPrinting.

BioPrinting is a current question in the tissue engineering technology with pending questions on how it could help and improve the production of reconstructed tissues.

Dr. Maïté RIELLAND - Cellular and Tissue Engineering Platform Manager at L’ORÉAL Research & Innovation – will share the latest information on the recent advancement on BioPrinting.

Dr. RIELLAND states :

“ Bioprinting is a great alternative to create new models of skin with a complexity that cannot be achieved only by human hands. It will be a tool for screening and model construction in the next few years and is already pushing us to think 3D vitro models and Tissue Engineering differently. One of the biggest potential advantages of this technology is the ability to place cells or biological material where it needs to be placed, opening a few doors for tissue engineering. Taking advantages of our long expertise in skin tissue engineering, and thanks to new technologies (bioprinting, gene editing…), We aim to develop more predictive and pertinent skin models. Epidermal and full thickness skin models are currently bioprinted in our Laboratory and the idea is to present their last development and their benefits in cosmetic research programs.”

Join us in Lyon – France on November 28th and 29th, 2019

Contact : [email protected]

More info to come!