NEW Scientific Paper on photoprotection

Photoprotection UV


New Scientific Paper using T-Skin model!


Using in vitro reconstructed skin for the evaluation of sunscreen?


This study, which has just been published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, is the result of a collaboration between EPISKIN and L'Oréal.


It studies the potential of the innovative T-Skin™ model (skin reconstructed in vitro which presents structure very similar to normal human skin) to evaluate the photoprotective effectiveness of sunscreens.

Unlike classic in vitro models, this 3D model is particularly relevant for assessing the deleterious effects of different UV radiation on a variety of biological markers (such as skin morphology, DNA damage) which are predictive of the consequences to short and long term exposure to the sun.

The results of the study highlight the robustness of this innovative model and pave the way for future prospective investigations into protection against the long-term effects of sun exposure, including skin cancer.


Direct link to the article:

Thanks to the authors:
CANIVET Florence, Fabienne THILLOU, Caroline TRICAUD, Lelievre Damien, Caroline Le Floc'h, Francoise Bernerd.